shivi graphene

Limitless utility of Graphene

Shivi graphene in bilaspur

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What is Graphene?

Graphene is a carbon allotrope. It is a layer of atoms with a thickness of almost a sheet of paper arranged in a honeycomb lattice nanostructure. This allotrope of Carbon has a nature of being flexible, strong, and optical transparency. Graphene is extremely electricity conductive in nature, therefore it has a very high demand in the field of Batteries, electrical appliances, and many more electrical as well as non-electrical industries

What Is Reduced Graphene Oxide(rGO)?

Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) is a single-atomic layered material, made by the powerful oxidation of graphite, which is cheap and abundant. They are best known for their unique properties containing optical transparency, heat conductivity, and the ability to be flexible and strong. Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) is commonly in demand for different purposes such as coating, superconductors, and many more due to its unique properties.

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Why Graphene?

Graphene is a single layer of graphite; an array of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal honeycomb lattice. Graphene is expected to enable energy storage devices with several new features that do not exist in the current technology. Shivi graphene is working on converting this dream into a reality.



It’s 200 times stronger
than steel



It’s the world’s first
2d material



It’s 1 million times thinner
than a human hair



It stretches up to 20% of
its length



It’s 6x lighter than steel


1m m/s

It carries electrons at 1 million
meters per second.

Why Graphene will escalate the Manufacturing of different goods?

Over 44% of produced Graphene is used in the Polymer sector.
Industries use 43.5% uses Graphene as coating material.
Almost 37% of energy storage companies use Graphene as their element due to its superconductivity of thermal and electricity.
In the field of the automotive industry, 22.5% of companies prefer the use of Graphene as their agent while manufacturing vehicles because of its high resistance in nature.
19% surge for water purification symbolizes the use of Graphene as an agent. This agent is used by Government and private water purification plants.