shivi graphene

Shivi graphene in bilaspur

Let us revolutionize
the world with Graphene!

What role do We have in This Global market

We, Shivi Graphene are the manufacturers of Graphene and Graphene Oxide with the role to fulfill the huge need and demand created by the manufacturers of goods such as Batteries, Solar Energy, Water Filtration, Food Packaging (coating purpose ), etc. Our products help manufacturers to create better solutions for the end customer.


How You and Graphene can Change the world?

With the nature of best thermal and electricity conducting, the strength of 100-300 times steel with a thickness of just one atom and various usage in markets shows vigorous advantages which are positively impacting the global demand, supply, and end-user.

Therefore, Graphene with its flexibility, strength, and transparency has shown high potential for use in multiple sectors due to which the global Graphene market has projected to grow from USD 388.8 million in 2021 to USD 4,067.1 million in 2028 at a CAGR of 39.8%. This results in promising growth and development of industry and society.

As per market demand,We produce

Graphene Oxide
shivi graphene

Why choose Shivi Graphene

Shivi Graphene is a renowned manufacturing brand that provides the standard yet finest quality of Graphene and Graphene Oxide. Our target is to create a promising product with the best in class product for our customers.


Genuine Service

We target to provide the best in class products and customer service for optimum satisfaction to our customers as manufacturers.


In-depth testing

Our products are authentic proof of the period-long research and testing. The statistics are in the favor of the product’s nature with respect to which it was purposefully produced.


Demand and Supply

To meet the demand and supply we tend to work and perform in a way to always fulfil the needs generated by our clients.


Trust in our Team

Our team gives you confidence in data, security, and quality assurance. We are inclined to perform best with the resources. So you can get the best from the best.


Precision help for Client decision

The support to our clients from start to end gives those ample resources and time to make the best decision regarding products with the help of our assistance of knowledge in this field.


Timely Delivery

We ought to deliver your demanded products in the right place and time while maintaining the quality of the product for you.